

Reserve now for 2023 delivery

A fully-refundable pre-order payment will be required to reserve your Recharged Heritage electric Mini build. Our team will contact you after completion of the order to discuss your requirements and also take payment, securing your 2023 delivery.

Also, we will contact you nearer to production (early 2023) to arrange a test drive in one of our pre-production prototypes. You will then be invited to choose customisation options and place an order, securing the final build slot.

Please refer to the proposed specification here for details. Whilst we believe this is an accurate representation of the product on offer, specifications are subject to change whilst the vehicle is still in development.

All pre-orders are subject to the Recharged Heritage Mini Pre-Order Agreement.


Please choose your preferred route to a zero-emissions Mini, then complete the pre-order, we will contact soon to discuss options and payment.

SKU: BUILD2023 Category: